The Trust has a number of policies that are in place across all of our schools. Please click below to access these.
- 2017-03-Mission-statement-v4
- CCTV-and-Directed-Surveillance-Policy
- TTLT-Anti-Harassment-and-Bullying-Policy-Adopted-from-SCC-Dec2022
- TTLT-Behaviour-Principles-2023
- TTLT-Charges-and-Remissions-Policy-November-2022
- TTLT-Complaints-Policy-April-2024
- TTLT-Equality-and-Diversity-Policy-April-2023
- TTLT-Freedom-of-Information-Policy-2022
- TTLT-Fundamental-British-Values-2023
- TTLT-Health-Safety-and-Well-being-policy-Dec-23
- TTLT-ICT-Policy-2023
- TTLT-Prevent Duty-Policy October-2023
- TTLT-Records Management-Policy 2023-2024
- TTLT-Safer-Recruitment-Policy-2023-2024
- TTLT-Scheme-of-Delegation-23-24-V2
- TTLT-Vexatious-Complaints-Policy-2023
- TTLT-Whistleblowing-Policy-2023
There are no documents to display at present.
Trust Policies | The Talentum Learning Trust
For more information, including specific policies regarding safeguarding, admissions, and curriculum, we encourage you to visit the individual school websites within our Trust. There, you will find more policies tailored to each academy, ensuring that all children enjoy a high standard of education in a secure and supportive setting.